Picking on this one too; I personally don't see it at all. Sure you see streamers screaming their heads off sometimes to their opponents because it's a competitive game, and anonymous redditors can troll you like anyone using the internet can, but inside the game I don't see any of this. This is mostly because in a game you can disable opponent celebrations if you feel like one is pissing you off. You can disable your PS network chat to not receive any messages. I haven't been turned off the game by the community, as much as I was when playing World of Warcraft, where communication, team work and chatting were in a more crucial role. Players in there were mostly anxious middle aged parents who had played WoW since it's release, with little time to play now as they had jobs and kids etc. so if someone was to blame for their timed dungeon run failing, you'd definitely get to hear about it in the chat. Guilds were hyper focused on performance and had little tolerance for failures in raids. The toxicity in there is real. In FIFA, it's not even visible in the game.